Monday, September 28, 2015

The Whiskyville Raid -- a PULP ALLEY game

We had expected four players for our "Pulp Alley" game last evening . . . but, alas, Rob wasn't feeling well so he had to cancel.

Some early deployments.

I am blaming this for my miserable showing in the game.  The whole concept of my league depended upon lots of other players preying on each other and then my taking plot points from them . . . oh well (it did not work out well for me).

The Leagues for the game:

"The Dark Fire" -- my League for the evening

"The Yellow Peril" . . . Murdock played Rob's League

"GREEDS"  . . .  Alex's League
(Gang for Reducing Everyone's Eventual Dollar Salary)
Due to circumstances it turned out that Murdock played Rob's League since he had been prevented from designing his League . . . darn it, how 'real life' keeps interfering with gaming . . . *sigh*.

As it turned out, a great many characters (and some plot points) started inside some of Whiskyville's buildings:

Gold Star Saloon (top) and the Hardware Store . . . 

. . . both contained figures . . . Feng Yi in the saloon & The Faithful in the Hardware Store

I was particularly unlucky with my Fortune Cards and two of the Plot Points that I captured turned out to be "Red Herrings" and I lost a third plot point on the final turn when the Yellow Peril played a Fortune Card on Brother #2, which he failed to pass.  (Below is a photo that Murdock took of me when I got the second "Red Herring'.)

*sigh* . . . both plot points I captured turned out to be false leads . . . *sigh*

Our minor plot points were all people who were subject to random movement . . . and, at game's end, three were still walking around . . .

Elder Flame failed to win over Lily, while fellow plot points, Iris and George still wandered about.

As usual with "Pulp Alley" we got too caught-up in the action to remember to take many photos . . . but we got some great laughs during the action.

So how did it turn out?  The "Yellow Peril" walked away with both the minor and major plot points in a convincing win while playing Rob's League; while both Alex and I ended up with nada.

If you have not tried "Pulp Alley" yet, you should because it is very very flexible and a heck of a lot of fun.  Also I urge you to read Murdock's account of the game (clicky).

-- Jeff

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mayhem comming to Western Town

Well we are planning on playing some "Pulp Alley" on this coming Sunday evening.

The setting is a small western town . . . and a bunch of people are about to descend upon it.  Why not only will there be 'cowboys' but also 'Chinese'. 'Mobsters' and 'Cultists' . . . chances are that it will not be a quiet time.

Overview from South

Overview from North

Overview from West

We will be playing a variation of "The Lost Keys" scenario.  Both corrals are "Extremely Perilous and all cactus plants are Perils if you get withing 1". 

All buildings block line-of-sight.  All Cactus (penny bases) provide 'cover'; and block line-of-sight if they are not super-short (even these provide cover is the character is crawling.

Primary purpose of this post is to give players a bit of a look at the table.

-- Jeff